Saturday 7 June 2014

Why SEO is important for artists?

The answer is simple: SEO for artists can make them & their artwork more visible.

There are a lot of creative people; thousands and maybe millions of good painters, sculptors, writers, singers and etc. However, most of them stay invisible, unheard and unrecognized.

Ambition, talent and hard work is not enough. Artists and their work have to appear in the right way, on the right time and in the right place. Or in other words - if you want to sing for a large audience in a stadium - you need to have an adequate sound system for that.

SEO for artists
Nick Gentry - Digital Montage Number 3
Some artists are lucky to meet a good manager or join a decent art gallery which professionally promotes their artwork. And some managers and galleries are lucky to have right connections and friends which help their artists to climb the career ladders.

However, not every talented artist is lucky to find right connections. In that case implementation of marketing and PR strategy becomes crucial. This is when SEO (optimization for organic search) for artists can help to improve a visibility of their talent.

Digital world is a great place where artists can expose their talents and one of the first steps should be an optimisation of a website (SEO). Artworks or art products should be find as easy as possible online by those people who might be ‘googling’ for it. It is very important to know what keywords are used by your target audience.

Thousands of people are searching for art galleries and an art for sale on their computers or smart phones. But it seems that many artists and galleries still ignore digital way of communication. However, professionally implemented SEO strategy could make a difference for the art business.

SEO for artists. Keywords
I wonder, how many art galleries think about keywords on their website? (the UK monthly searches from Google Keyword Planner tool)
In these postmodern times digital communication becomes a key factor in spreading culture and its products. If an artist wants to increase his/her chances to be discovered and recognised he/she has to enter a digital world.

SEO for artists. Culture & Digital
Digital communication & SEO for artists are becoming more & more important

P.S. SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) is not just about keywords, there are lots of information about it in sources, like:,

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