Monday 28 October 2013

The New Era of Social Media Begins

A Report on teenagers behavior using social media channels in the USA (2012-2013) shows dramatic changes towards Facebook. Twitter and Instagram ouvertook Facebook as the most important social media site.
Source: The Huffington Post

The importance of Facebook among teenagers decreased rapidly just in one year. From the chart above it looks like Instargram and numerous smaller social media sites named as "Other" took most of Facebook "votes".
Visual Communication is in Human Nature
It is no surprise that Instagram is steadily gaining support since people naturally prefer to collect information visually. Instagram allows us to share emotional experiences using pictures and express ourselves instinctively. The growth of Youtube is another example how its important for people to be visible and to observe others. It’s human nature.

Niche Networking
A number of various social media sites is constantly growing allowing us to choose from a wide variety of ways how to communicate using digital media. Technological advancement opens new possibilities for communication and allows us to choose a number of ways how to be in contact with others. As societies are becoming less and less standardized (read Alvin and Heidi Toffler book "Revolutionary Wealth" about revolutionary changes in the 21st century) people choose their own ways of communication which suit their personalities best. Niche social networks offer us that possibility.
It is probable that the golden age of Facebook is in the past. Perhaps it will remain an important player for years to come, but other types of social media which are orientated to satisfy specific needs of society will take over a significant amount of communication traffic and continue to decentralize the market. Facebook understands that and is constantly looking forward to buying new social networks (it bought Instagram in 2012 and is interested in buying Snapchat).

Our human nature and the way we communicate is shaping the social media market. It is exciting to observe how the act of expression is altered with the help of digital technologies.

Wednesday 23 October 2013

The Real Avantgarde Muisc Video

A lot of artists try to hijack the name of avantgarde. Sometimes they do chaotic random stuff and call it avantgardism. However, the real avantgarde artist is required to have not only some kind of "madness" in him, but also a good sense of style and beauty. Avantgarde art has to radically surpass the general taste of the masses, but at the same time it has to stay art.

I want to present you a music video which is an example of a real avantgarde artwork. It was created by a new band Pincers. The main singer is known as Ronnie Flotsam, who is a talented surrealist painter as well. You can check out his artworks here.

Pincers - A Sociopath to Fame

Onwards to the 22nd century!

This blog is about the digital world and the artistic way of life. The two pillars of modern civilization. Onwards to the 22nd century!